Let's Freelance In France
FREE 5-day challenge: kickstart your project
Help to make a decision.
Let's Freelance in France is for you if:
You’re thinking about or have decided to move to France.
You’re wondering whether freelancing is an option for you.
You don't know which key elements to consider to make your decision.
You are an employee, pre-retired, self-employed or off work in your country.
Quick tour
Your ideal life in France
Day 1 Workbook
Brainstorming Ideas
Day 2 Workbook
100 Business Ideas
Rules & Money Matters
Regulated Activities List
Personal Budget Sheet
Simple Business Plan
2-Page Business Plan Template
Legal Structure + Go/No-Go
What will you gain from this free 5 day challenge?
Identity 2 to 3 ideas that you could do as a freelancer. Choose the one that gets you excited.
Check French rules & visa options that could impact your project.
Use a simple 2-page business plan to clarify your project.
Spend 1 hour per day to watch the video & work on your project.
Valerie Aston